The Ease of Space

1 min readJan 17, 2017

When writing this article, I got so frustrated that I dropped it and worked on other projects for two weeks. Now that I’ve created space, everything feels much, much easier.

The brain works in mysterious ways. By stepping aside, finding other projects, and actively ignoring something, our subconscious creates space for ideas to grow.

Taken from:

Which also mentions:

The fear of rejection makes us into “perfectionists.” But that perfectionism is just a shell. We draw into it when times are hard. It gives us safety… The safety of a lie.

I am not sure about the following quote, in which busyness covers up reality.

By the time a particular book is published, the [writer] hasn’t much time to worry about how it will be received or how it will sell. By then he has already sold several others and is working on still others and it is these that concern him. This intensifies the peace and calm of his life.




Buddhism, mixed with my current interests in economics, privilege, immigration, etc. Email <my username>