Byron Katie — Examples of The Work

May 31, 2022

“Mom knows how to be happy, I just have to simply listen to her and she tells me what she wants to assist her happiness, but I am not a doormat. For example, the pork is not cooked, the line is too long, I’m hungry. … And you just do it — cook the pork, take her home, feed her.”

“It’s her personality to always say how unhappy she is…..That makes her happy! But are you courageous enough to listen without thinking you have to fix it, mend it, take care of it? Just hear her. Just to have someone listen to her would make her happy. Takes a lot of courage to hear a miserable person without trying to change them.”

And another useful one…




Buddhism, mixed with my current interests in economics, privilege, immigration, etc. Email <my username>